
Bristol Social Groups is volunteer run site with the goal of building community and friendship across Bristol.


There are many social groups in Bristol found on lots of different websites, this project aims to bring the groups together & make it easy to search through them.

It intends to share high-quality social groups that:

  • Are open to newcomers
  • Are well attended
  • Meet regularly
  • Have a shared, inclusive and proactively social activity

How can I help?

If you know a great social group in Bristol, please suggest it to be added to the site.

If you have feedback or suggestions, you can add them to this form.

As a developer, you can leave suggestions and feedback on this sites GitHub repository. Pull requests and other code contributions are welcome!

Development ethos

The site does not track users, does not display adverts and does not make any money from affiliate schemes or links.

The site aims for low data usage and low carbon emissions. This explains the general lack of images on the site, with the exception of small SVGs and map images.


Thanks also to everyone who has submitted groups and feedback anonymously 🙏